Monday, December 19, 2016

Review: Let It Snow

Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle
Publisher: Speak
Genre: Young Adult
Pages: 352
Publication Date: October, 2008
Rating: 3.5/5
            This book contains three different holiday romances that are all set in the same town during a major snowstorm. First, Maureen Johnson’s story details what happens to Jubilee, whose parents just landed in jail due to a shopping incident involving a Christmas village. She has to take a train down to Florida to spend Christmas with her grandparents. On her trip down the train stops for a couple of days due to the snow. The first story follows her journey as she decides to get off and make friends at the local Waffle House.
            The second story is written by John Green. It shows JP, Tobin, and Duke’s trek to the Waffle House to hang out with some stranded cheerleaders. In addition to the bad weather, they encounter some twins and frat boys who are trying to beat them there!
            The third story shows the fallout after Addie messes up her relationship with Jeb. Her friends Dorrie and Tegan, along with a Christmas angel, help her realize how to fix it by not being so self-absorbed. All three of these stories are woven together throughout the book.
·       It is a cute, quick holiday read that will leave you feeling filled with joy and hope.
·       The ending was satisfying as it tied up all the loose ends nicely.
·       The first story was delightful. It was a simple, yet interesting romance.
·       I just could not get into the second and third stories in the book.
·        In the second story, I was too distracted by the dangerous decisions that the main characters were making to really enjoy it.
·       The third story’s main character was just really unlikable to me.
Final Thoughts:
            I would recommend this if you want a quick and fluffy holiday read. Although I couldn’t get into some of the plots, I’m sure most people can. I just have a hard time with suspension of disbelief! Not bad for a book I bought from a thrift store for $1.

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