Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Review: Recoil by Joanne Macgregor

Recoil by Joanne Macgregor
Genre: YA- Dystopian Society
Pages: 256
Publication Date: May, 2016
Rating: 5/5
            Recoil takes place three years after a plague has infected society. Jinxy James, a sixteen-year-old gamer, has been chosen to compete in a sniping competition based on her excellent performance in the nation’s favorite virtual reality game. She is then invited to join a top-secret government organization that is dedicated to fighting the plague; her role is to snipe the mutated, infected rats roaming the streets and woods. She eagerly accepts this position to finally feel freedom, something she has not felt since her mom has become overly-protective due to the plague.
            During her training, she finds herself falling for Irish Quinn O’Riley. He works in the intel unit and knows more about what the government is really doing than he is letting on. After Jinx finds out some shocking information, she is thrust into making an impossible decision that will impact her relationship with Quinn and her role within the organization.
·         This book sucked me in from the first page and kept me reading late into the night to find out how it all ends.
·         Recoil has a unique plot that was definitely better than some of the more popular YA titles offered in bookstores.
·         I loved the romance between Jinxy and Quinn; it was just the right amount!
·         The only con I could find was that it seemed like there were a few one liners meant to poke fun at Trump’s ideas for the country. I found myself wondering if this was supposed to be a post-Trump presidency world.
Final Thoughts:
Definitely go pick up a copy of this book! I usually stick to well-known titles but this book definitely has inspired me to look into lesser-known authors. The writing is just as good, if not better than the popular titles that mainstream book stores offer. The unique plot kept me loving every second of the book! I can’t wait to read the next in the series.

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